Pigford’s Original Black Farmers Unhappy Over Massive Fraud – Media Ignores – Big Journalism

Remember when Rachel Maddow got all tough and bipartisan when asking NBFA head John Boyd to explain his letter to President Obama saying, in short: “We got you elected so pay up [with Pigford]?”

Do you recall that bit New York Times exposé wherein the murders associated with the Pigford case were discussed?

What about the White House Press Corps asking President Obama if he knew how racked with fraud Pigford had become? Remember when the media grilled Shirley Sherrod and asked her what her involvement was with Pigford and if this was the reason Tom Vilsack fired her so quickly, to keep this story from getting out and upsetting the apple cart that was to be its passage?

Remember Lawerence O’Donnell’s segment asking who exactly is getting paid and who lobbied for whom?

No, you can’t remember because it never happened.

via Pigford’s Original Black Farmers Unhappy Over Massive Fraud – Media Ignores – Big Journalism.

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