Fruits of Liberal Policy

Pelosi’s Health-Care Payroll Tax Is a Tax on Labor –

A new study by Sageworks, Inc., a financial consulting firm, runs the numbers on the income statements of actual companies. It looks at three types of firms with at least $5 million in sales: a retailer, a construction company and a small manufacturer. The companies each have total payroll of between $750,000 and $1 million a year. Assuming the firms absorb the cost of the payroll tax, their net profits fall by one-third on average. That is on top of the 45% income tax and surtax that many small business owners would pay as part of the House tax scheme, so the total reduction in some small business profits would climb to nearly 80%. These lower after-tax profits would mean fewer jobs.

To put it another way, the workers who will gain health insurance from ObamaCare will pay the steepest price for it in either a shrinking pay check, or no job at all.

via Pelosi’s Health-Care Payroll Tax Is a Tax on Labor –

Support Slips for Health Plan –

In the new poll, conducted July 24 to July 27, 42% called it a bad idea while 36% said it was a good idea.

Among those with insurance, the proportion calling the plan a bad idea rose to 47% from 37%.

The declining popularity of health-care overhaul appeared to be fueled by rising anxiety over the federal budget deficit and concerns over the role of government in determining personal medical decisions.

via Support Slips for Health Plan –

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Has Liberalism Jumped the Shark?

Identity politics, when viewed in its purest form, is racism. Keynesian economics, when distilled to its basic concepts, flies in the face of common sense. Re-branding political policy doesn’t change its ultimate effectiveness. Hypocrites are hypocrites regardless of the causes they support, or claim to champion. The U.S. should not be about “nuance” when it comes to foreign policy. We must always stand on the side of freedom and democracy.

For the first time in a long time even a casual observer can clearly see what modern liberalism is all about.

via Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Has Liberalism Jumped the Shark?.

Strassel: How Obama Stumbled on Health Care –

The party of the left owns the White House, a filibuster-proof Senate, and a 70-seat House majority. As one House Republican aide quipped: “We could have every GOP congressman and their parents vote against a Democratic bill, and still not stop it.” All Democrats have to do is agree on something.

You can’t blame the GOP when you own every Washington institution.

That they can’t is testimony to Team Obama’s mismanagement of its first big legislative project. The president is a skilled politician and orator, but the real test of a new administration is whether it can shepherd a high-stakes bill through Congress. In retrospect, the mistakes are growing clear.

via Strassel: How Obama Stumbled on Health Care –

Urine Test for Welfare Recipients – There Oughtta Be a Law

Here’s a good common sense email going around…


Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay  me.. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don’t have to pass a urine test.

So here is my Question.  Shouldn’t one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them?

Understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their rump–doing drugs, while I work. . . . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?

We could title that program, ‘Urine or You’re Out’.

Europe Thumps U.S., Again –

On present trends, most of Europe will soon have lower income tax rates than most of America. And now the European Union is stealing another competitive march on Washington, this time on a free trade deal with the world’s 13th largest economy, fast-growing South Korea.

Last week Brussels and Seoul finished the outline of a new trade agreement, and the two sides will now write up the technical language to codify it. As for the pending U.S.-Korea trade agreement, Congress has done . . . nothing.

via Europe Thumps U.S., Again –

Democrats’ New Worry: Their Own Rich Voters –

A glimmer of hope…

A group of Democrats elected in recent years from some of the country’s richest congressional districts have emerged as a stumbling block to raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for President Barack Obama’s ambitious health-care overhaul just as the plan has begun to meet increasing resistance over its cost.

via Democrats’ New Worry: Their Own Rich Voters –

Ex-CIA chief: Obama risks national security –

Hayden said he called several senior White House officials to express his opposition before the president released the documents. Hayden also noted that four previous CIA directors, as well as current agency director Leon Panetta, opposed the release.

via Ex-CIA chief: Obama risks national security –

A Reckless Congress –

The level of anger should be rising. These clowns need to be out before this goes through. Call your senators.

Say this about the 1,018-page health-care bill that House Democrats unveiled this week and that President Obama heartily endorsed: It finally reveals at least some of the price of the reckless ambitions of our current government. With huge majorities and a President in a rush to outrun the declining popularity of his agenda, Democrats are bidding to impose an unrepealable European-style welfare state in a matter of weeks.

via A Reckless Congress –