20k Terrorists in U.S., If You See Something Say Something

ACLU (best defined as Anti-Christian Liberals United) were caught surprised again by the truth when they tried to “scrap the terrorist watch list and take law enforcement’s eye off these potentially dangerous suspects.” Read the details here.

Forced to defend its growing terrorist watch list, the FBI let slip a chilling fact that should silence ACLU grumblers: America is teeming with 20,000 terrorists.

After 9/11, federal authorities estimated that as many as 5,000 terrorists were living in the U.S. The new figure is jarring not only because it’s four times as large but because it’s based on real persons, not estimates.

It’s not something headquarters wanted to publicize. Officials had downplayed the threat so as not to spook the public.

And later in the article…

That… pencils out to at least 20,000 people living in this country right now — at large and on the streets — who have “some relationship with terrorist activity,” as Boyle described it.

They pose a big enough threat for airlines to legally bounce them off planes, and for every law enforcement authority from border agents to local police to detain them for questioning.

Even here in the liberal fortress of NYC, we’re reminded by signs and announcements in public transit stations, and elsewhere around town, to speak up if something or someone’s behavior looks suspicious. I know how we often pre-edit our thoughts in the P.C. infestation this country has allowed, and I know we’re all busy, but start opening your eyes and mouths before some other act of ultimate cowardice is done by these insects. Call the police, call the FBI. If you see something, say something.

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