The Dust Will Settle on King Barack Hisself Obsessa

I don’t know about you, but all of this fawning over the sock puppet makes me snicker. I’m not the least bit concerned about it frankly. The dust will settle and the many and varied analyses will be done on the dangerous positions his ill-informed and naive statements have taken, and reality will set in as we near November.

The intelligent, good folks of these United States will thoughtfully consider the issues and matters at hand.

  • They’ll ponder the implications of a having a socialist, and an inexperienced freshman socialist, as president (as opposed to getting one who has actually had some responsibility, like running the people’s lemonade stand).
  • They’ll ask themselves what this guy has done to justify running for president, letting completely alone getting my vote.
  • They’ll ask themselves what justifies all of the premature ticker-tape parades the networks and newspapers have thrown him, tipping their crooked slant clearly into daylight in their eagerness, after years, to sell a “democrat” candidate (ok, non-republican) that anyone is excited about.
  • They’ll consider why the warm reception B.O. got in places like Jordan and Germany are anything but a warning in and of itself.
  • Black people will ponder the relevance of skin color in a country where it’s supposed to be irrelevant and still vote black (because, “well, short of Satan, he’s alright with me. And, oh yeah, O.J. was framed.”)
  • White people too will ponder the relevance of skin color in a country where it’s supposed to be irrelevant (but certainly still be required to ignore it for openly racist causes and organizations such as Affirmative Action, the NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, BET TV, Essence/Ebony Magazines, etc.) and still likely vote white, but feel better about it because at least they agree with 40% of McCain’s policies (which is simple math over 0% for O.B.’s)
  • The black Christians will disregard all policy positions and vote for the sock puppet for the same black reason.
  • The white Christians will consult absolute truth and find B.O. to be guilty of gross obliviousness and malicious intent to open the U.S. to destruction from both outside and inside, and vote McCain.
  • The dirt-worshipers will be content to praise the nearest shrub, extolling the wonderful possibility of having an 82% ACLU Scorecard pinkster as POTUS.

With any luck…

  • The informed on both sides will all turn up to vote. Fair’s fair.
  • The many colors of racists, and the self-loathing, will all sleep through it
  • The fence-sitters (who have, sadly, decided the last few elections) will continue to waffle until November 4th, waiting to be persuaded to one side or the other by wind-direction and speed, indigestion, planetary positioning, or a maybe just a stimulating conversation in the car on the way to the voting center (these are the luke-warm people Jesus warned us about by the way), and find themselves hopelessly lost in the woods, as they tend to get, and die of exposure.
  • Good people from sea to shining sea will consider each side’s values and weigh them carefully against everything we’ve built up since our founding (and some have started to tear back down).

Rest assured, both very good and very bad things will be said and done between now and November, but I choose to have faith that God still blesses this country and that we’re not too far gone to merit the promise of prosperity. I believe enough good people will actually consider the issues and vote like it matters. Because, while the democrats who want any ignorant vote they can bribe with food, illegal voter registration, and a drive to the voting center, for very different reasons I DO care who you vote for. I wish knowing the issues was a requirement to punch the card (as well as biometric IDs for all to prove citizenship). But so goes hope, oh, and desire for change!

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