The SF Surrender Poodle Has No Intention of Drilling

There’s nothing good to say about the shrilling hollow head of Nancy Pelosi. After watching her venomous and classless, yet always canned and poorly performed, talking points for more years than I can frankly stand anymore, I find her to be so offensive that I can’t find words other than these to describe it.

Anyway, adding to the pile of reasons “we think she’s worst human San Fran-sicko ever produced” (nod to you bathtub boy), are the latest jerky movements the DNC hand operating that empty head (sometimes you can see the strings from which her hands and feet dangle as well) expressed regarding drilling for oil offshore. In typical Surrender Poodle partisan fashion, the people need to settle for the appearance-of-desire.

Instead of getting us out of this energy mess, The Poodle is playing typical Democrat politics of talk-big-then-hide-the-missing-follow-through. The WSJ published a piece today on the situation…

The ruse began late Monday night, when Speaker Nancy Pelosi released a 290-page bill and then waved it through less than 24 hours later, 236-189. “Closed” rules prohibited the GOP from offering alternatives. The real game was to give vulnerable Democrats political cover by letting them vote for more offshore drilling — while also making more drilling all but impossible, thus appeasing the party’s green wing.

The bill would allow exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf, but only in waters 100 or more miles out in the Atlantic and Pacific. The farthest reaches of the OCS contain resources, but undersea geography and deep water make development very — if not prohibitively — expensive. Areas closer to land are far richer and easier to access. Conveniently, Mrs. Pelosi’s bill imposes a 50-mile “buffer zone” around the country.


Shameful, Nancy, but nothing new coming from you.

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