Remember When Monica Lewinsky Blamed Bill Clinton Instead of Matt Drudge? The Internet Does

Monica Lewinsky injected herself into the news cycle once again this week, this time with a fascinating re-writing of her dubious place in history. Lewinsky painted herself as victim, once again, but this time she claims to be a victim of the Internet. Or, more specifically, of Matt Drudge and the Drudge Report. In Lewinsky’s warped (or calculated) view of her time in the limelight, she was the world’s first victim of “cyberbullying” and Drudge the first perpetrator. One thing about the Internet that is undeniable is that it creates a record of a person’s behavior and statements so when they attempt to rearrange their personal narrative, as Lewinsky is attempting, previous statements can be reflected upon and held up to new-found interpretations of past deeds.

Source: Remember When Monica Lewinsky Blamed Bill Clinton Instead of Matt Drudge? The Internet Does – Washington Free Beacon

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