
Video: Escaped The Plantation, Voting McCain

Perhaps the best speech given during this entire campaign cycle.

The O-Team
More genius by ZO. See more great clips here

Tickler’s Letter to Thomas Friedman

I sent a note to Thomas Friedman today, about the protectionist position Obama is taking on jobs, just to win the votes of down-and-out lower middle class families. He’s a wily and sinister candidate, but certainly a thoroughly say-anything-to-get-a-vote politician.

Mr. Friedman,

I’ve been enjoying your book The World Is Flat for the many points of data and interviews you conducted with the various organizations. I haven’t appreciated your pot shots at George Bush and the republicans as much. As you must know, with so much knowledge of the world and things, that both parties share the blame for what’s wrong with America and why our lead is dwindling.

One thing you point out, and I wholeheartedly agree with, is that we cannot be protectionist when it comes to non-think jobs. However, the candidate you’re likely voting for, Obama, is campaigning on a protectionist platform and has made more comments about penalizing companies for off-shoring than anyone this election season. He’s appealing to the lower-middle class masses just to get elected and it’s dishonest and disingenuous.

I admit to avoiding the New York Times, and in keeping with that have not read your regular columns, but as one on the left who I know understands the challenges we have, it would be nice to have you do the right thing and come out in writing about Obama’s stance and it’s dangerous isolationist campaign-season air.


I hope Friedman loves this country more than he can tolerate Obama blowing smoke about jobs that have long gone away, and will never come back.

We need to build up thinking jobs in this country. We need to build up managers and orchestrators and leaders in this country. Allentown and Detroit as they were are gone and we need to make the changes in the education system and structure of business in this country to build world business leaders of Americans or we’ll have to watch China and others as they pass us by.