Religion (Real)

Dan Senor: An Open Letter on the Ground Zero Mosque –

Someone who rejects the link between Islam and the brand of radicalism and violence espoused by al Qaeda and like-minded groups should be wary of helping to further, even inadvertently, the rhetoric and propaganda of those groups. Indeed, we believe that such a person should take an active role in opposing any measure or message that might be seized upon by those whom he considers to be the blasphemers of his own faith.

via Dan Senor: An Open Letter on the Ground Zero Mosque –

Group questions Catholic funeral for Kennedy

He adds that while Senator Kennedy called himself Catholic, like Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Joe Biden, they are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing.

“They do not hold to the teaching of the church. They, in fact, take every opportunity seemingly to contradict the teaching of our church,” Euteneuer says. “So in the case of Senator Edward Kennedy, he was not only against his church’s teaching on the issue of abortion, but the same with embryonic stem cell research, the same with gay marriage andThomas Euteneuer (Human Life International) various other issues which set him in diametric opposition to his church’s very well-defined and clearly articulated teaching.”

Read more here… Group questions Catholic funeral for Kennedy