
Black-White Gap in Jobless Rate Widens in New York City –

Economists said they were not certain why so many more blacks were losing their jobs in New York, especially when a large share of the layoffs in the city have been in fields where they are not well represented, like finance and professional services. But in those sectors, the economists suggested that blacks may have had less seniority when layoffs occurred. And black workers hold an outsize share of the jobs in retailing and other service industries that have been shrinking as consumers curtail their spending.

via Black-White Gap in Jobless Rate Widens in New York City –

Some simple math for Barry Little League, hurt the employers and buyers and you’ll always end up hurt the only citizens you care about, your voting handouts.

Low taxes for all is the only way, but leave alone learning in time, you’ll just never learn. 3.5 years to go before we can get some basic IQ back in office.