
Battle for the Soul of Talk Radio? « The United Families International Blog

Organizing for America(‘s Destruction) AKA Obama’s Brainwashed Youth Brigade)

If you go to the “Organizing for America: “On the Air” website you will learn how to get your voice hear on talk radio.  The website links you to the major radio programs, gives counsel on talk radio etiquette, and then even tells you what to say–it gives you your talking points on various topics.  We found this part kind of interesting; you are to report back to them the results of your phone call to the various talk shows.

We figured we might as well take advantage of the money they’ve spent and all of their hard work and use it to our pro-family, pro-life, pro-traditional values advantage.  Go to their website and use it for quick access to all of the talk radio programs.  Of course you’ll then be sharing, on the air, your conservative values, not their leftist talking points.  We won’t insult your intelligence by trying to tell you what to say on air either.

via Battle for the Soul of Talk Radio? « The United Families International Blog.

Housewives Wake Up! Oprah’s Selling Nothing-ism

I just found this video on youtube. Wow. I had no idea Oprah is such a void floater. I can’t believe women watch this crap. Scary peer-pressure brainwashing.

How dense do you have to be to not understand the meaning behind simple Bible language? I guess you have to not really seek to understand. I won’t even honor that lack of understanding with an explanation of that passage (unless one of you asks for it, but I’m sure you all get it).

Like I’ve always thought, she just barely smart enough to dupe the American housewife (who I used to believe were more intelligent, but not now that I’ve seen this and watch Oprah’s popularity soar). She happened into the right place (self-loathing or self-congratulatory white women) at the right time (the height of political correctness before we realized it’s language/thought control from the left), for her to succeed like she has. And now she’s abusing her power over those easily misled American housewives.