
Strassel: Pelosi’s Pork Problem – WSJ.com

Picture a freight train roaring down the tracks. Picture House Speaker Nancy Pelosi positioning her party on the rails. Picture a growing stream of nervous souls diving for the weeds. Picture all this, and you’ve got a sense of the Democrats’ earmark-corruption problem.

via Strassel: Pelosi’s Pork Problem – WSJ.com.

How is Murtha not in jail?!?

Seriously, blood started to spurt out of my eyes as I read this article.

My favorite part:

Good government groups have long criticized Murtha’s cozy relationship with a handful of lobbyists and defense firms, ties that see millions of dollars in government spending go out from Murtha’s office, and hundreds of thousands in campaign donations come in. Murtha has said his earmarking has helped revive his economically depressed district.

He does the Democrats proud.