
March of the penguin love triangle | Opinion L.A. | Los Angeles Times

They aren’t the infamous Tango’s dads (we’ll get to that later) but the forces opposing same-sex marriage see vindication in nature–or at least in the San Francisco Zoo, where a couple of male penguins who formed a long partnership have split.

Harry and Pepper shared a burrow together for six years, even hatching a surrogate chick, until Linda the widow came along, newly bereaved by her (male) partner Fig’s death and Harry decided to, uh, chase some tail.

via March of the penguin love triangle | Opinion L.A. | Los Angeles Times.

Faith Groups Increasingly Losing Legal Battles Over Gay Rights –

Those bigoted gays…

A disgusting record and shameful for a country that was founded on religious freedom. The rights of 2.5% of the population who are gay, a rounding error, seem to trump the rights of the 85% of religious people in the U.S. These are dark times for the republic and counter-suits should be employed against those same bigoted and intolerant gays.

Faith Groups Increasingly Losing Legal Battles Over Gay Rights –