
The Nobel Prize of Obliviousness

Third time’s the charm…

First there was Jimmy Carter… sorry, just got back up from the floor. Jimmy freaking Carter got the Nobel Prize for his bang up job of bringing peace to the middle east. We should give him credit, it lasted thirty seconds longer than the previous cease fire. Not to oversimplify, but this is a former president who has broken with history and openly and repeatedly criticized a sitting president. It would matter if he had a single proud moment in office himself.

As if Carter wasn’t enough, next there came one of this generation’s greatest opportunist hypocrites, Albert Gore, inventor of Al-Gore-Tex, the fabric that allows abject failure in the political arena and a running and disturbingly accurate imitation of everyone’s grandmother (wonder if there’s more to that) to bead up and slide right off his career.

Taking a page from his own rain shedding fabric days, he figured there would be serious money in global warming (or is it global cooling this decade?) The smart thing his advisers came up with (we know he didn’t come up with it because he’s just a card reader like Obama) is the idea that instead of actually doing something about the “crisis” — like creating a green energy company or simply reducing the energy footprint of his mansion in Tennessee, or maybe leaving the private jet at home, or maybe dropping his convoy to a skeletal 10 gas-guzzling SUVs and Towncars burning ozone to and from every possible speaking engagement his handlers can schedule — anyway, instead of doing anything real about the “crisis”, his sage advisors said “hey, you could try your hand in the scary and accountable private sector for the first time since that 5 year stint at The Tennessean newspaper after college, or you could turn this lemon stretch of the natural environmental cycle into hysterically sweet solid gold lemonade in the bank.” And rain gold it has for the sweet talker from Tennessee. But a funny thing happened on the way to selling the Brooklyn Bridge…

Even Gore never imagined the clueless in Norway, adorned with nose rings of popular hysteria, could possibly be taken in by the shameless and insincere opportunism he embodied with the acting talent of, well, Al Gore. But they did. And those of us who thought that the Jimmy Carter prize was the last straw, certainly lost faith entirely in the judgment of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

Which bring us to the third of the infamous leftists: Paul (“Bush would be Satan, if there was a God”) Krugman. He’s the nerdy kid who used to cry just being near a fight in school, let alone being in one. He’s a lone beacon to the dwindling pseudo-intellectual self-obsessed New York readership, and the formerly somewhat respectable paper that prints his vile bile. I imagine him at his desk, crying at the violence of his blind fury (because fury is scary) and yet smiling through his tears for the self-congratulatory vengeance he feels his words get him on the conservative that stomped his frailty or stole his girl in some former time. His bully pulpit provides a thick network of flaming and smoldering leftists to insulate his frantic and desperate anger, so he’s safe to blather on, reciting the socialist and leftist talking points like a male version of Surrender Poodle Pelosi but without the stones.

I imagine Alfred Nobel would certainly take his mighty invention and blow all of Scandinavia to the judgment seat of the Almighty if he were alive to be ashamed of the state to which this prize has devolved: prizes awarded to a forgettable president, a transparent money-grubber, and the poster child of desperately shrill.

With these offenses, the Nobel Prize is certainly less fair and reasonable but closely resembling an Oscar these days, as Oscars are won solely on crony or agenda popularity, rather than by merit as awards should be.

I guess that’s why Gore’s won both.

Krugman could win an oscar for crying on cue, but for him it wouldn’t be acting.

Obama: ACORN Will Help Set Presidential Agenda

I can’t believe Obama said this out loud. This guy is a nightmare on scrawny legs.

“…before I even get inaugurated, during the transition, we’re going to be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda. We’re going to be having meetings all across the country with community organizations, so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the United States of America.”

Because there are those who don’t know, and we shouldn’t assume, ACORN is a extreme leftist minority focused community organization that has been raided repeatedly by police over voter fraud. Even if ACORN weren’t involved in the voter fraud that seems pretty proven at this point, they’d still be disingenuous to the American people to only root out Democrats for registration and enticing (I say bribing) them with food, cigarettes, and rides to the polling location on the day.

The meat is about 1:40 into the clip.

Obama’s Socialist Tax, In His Own Words

Obama’s mouth keeps on giving. Unfortunately, his mouth is writing check his butt can’t cash. The Tickler appeals to all readers, use your brain and show up to vote. We can’t let this guy get into office.

Plumber: “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it.”

Obama: “It’s not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind ya, that they have a chance for success too. I think that when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody.” Obama the crooked imbecile on the stump (see the video here)

From the desk of the Tickler’s wife…

Here are some key takeaways from the WSJ piece on the true nature of Obama’s tax “cuts”:

Here’s the political catch. All but the clean car credit would be “refundable,” which is Washington-speak for the fact that you can receive these checks even if you have no income-tax liability. In other words, they are an income transfer — a federal check — from taxpayers to nontaxpayers. Once upon a time we called this “welfare,” or in George McGovern’s 1972 campaign a “Demogrant.” Mr. Obama’s genius is to call it a tax cut.

The Tax Foundation estimates that under the Obama plan 63 million Americans, or 44% of all tax filers, would have no income tax liability and most of those would get a check from the IRS each year. The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis estimates that by 2011, under the Obama plan, an additional 10 million filers would pay zero taxes while cashing checks from the IRS.

The total annual expenditures on refundable “tax credits” would rise over the next 10 years by $647 billion to $1.054 trillion, according to the Tax Policy Center. This means that the tax-credit welfare state would soon cost four times actual cash welfare. By redefining such income payments as “tax credits,” the Obama campaign also redefines them away as a tax share of GDP. Presto, the federal tax burden looks much smaller than it really is.

Read the article here

Obama Racial Motivations

…for those who correctly refuse to buy or read his narcissitic books.

There are several quotes from Obama’s books that tell us, in his own words, the challenges and issues he has with his own racism. Knowing that he wrote these books recently doesn’t excuse his thoughts as long in the past.

From “Dreams From My [Completely Absent] Father”:

“I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.”

“There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.”

“It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.”

“Yes, I’d seen weakness in other men— Gramps and his disappointments, Lolo and his compromise. But these men had become object lessons for me, men I might love but never emulate, white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm [X – racist, black supremacist, antisemite], DuBois [secularist, “talented tenth” elitist, communist] and Mandela.”

While obviously much more pronounced and outwardly manifested when he was younger, from the perspective of a 47 year-old black man, that still has a 20 pound tumor of a chip on his shoulder and anti-white leanings, the following fuller excerpt of one of the quotes above sheds even more light on the severe issues this man has regarding race. It seems with his insecurity he was an even easier target of the extremist brainwashing the liberal college system spreads.

“She was a good-looking woman, Joyce was with her green eyes and honey skin and pouty lips. We lived in the same dorm my freshman year, and all the brothers were after her. One day I asked her if she was going to the Black Students’ Association meeting. She looked at me funny, then started shaking her head like a baby who doesn’t want what it sees on the spoon.

“I’m not black,” Joyce said. “I’m multiracial.” Then she started telling me about her father, who happened to be Italian and was the sweetest man in the world; and her mother, who happened to be part African and part French and part Native American and part something else. “Why should I have to choose between them?” she asked me. Her voice cracked, and I thought she was going to cry. “It’s not white people who are making me choose. Maybe it used to be that way, but now they’re willing to treat me like a person. No — it’s black people who always have to make everything racial. They’re the ones making me choose. They’re the ones who are telling me that I can’t be who I am …”

“They, they, they. That was the problem with people like Joyce. They talked about the richness of their multicultural heritage and it sounded real good, until you noticed that they avoided black people …

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy. When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake, we were resisting bourgeois society’s stifling conventions. We weren’t indifferent or careless or insecure. We were alienated.

“But this strategy alone couldn’t provide the distance I wanted, from Joyce or my past. After all, there were thousands of so-called campus radicals, most of them white and tenured and happily tolerant. No, it remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.”

These are not the words of a healer, a uniter. These are not the words of a man who wants to erase race as a consideration for participation in the benefits of society. These are the simple and plain words of a racist. He’s turned against a girl who was trying to rise above race, to just be herself, because he decided to overcompensate for his insecurity and identity crisis by overselling his black-ness.

It’s also telling in her comment about black exclusivity. I’d heard this was the case, but here’s Obama as Black Panther wanna-be trying to paint this girl traitor when he’s the epitome of self-loathing. He shouldn’t have included this truth in the book, it seals his position as a clear divider… as Joyce said – “It’s not white people who are making me choose… No — it’s black people who always have to make everything racial. They’re the ones making me choose. They’re the ones who are telling me that I can’t be who I am…”

Turn Obama’s words around, to imagine a white man saying the same, and no one would hesitate to cry racist. This offended insecure black kid is what the incredibly foolish American people are days away from putting into office.

Like they say about the Devil, the greatest trick he ever did was to convince the world he didn’t exist, the greatest trick of Obama’s career has been to convince more than half of the country that he’s not an extremist and a closet racist against half of his own skin. While Obama’s clearly not the Devil –he isn’t nearly smart or secure enough– his slickster facade and giant sense of entitlement make me feel like he took, and relished, classes from him at college.

Barney Frank Caught Connected To Executive Fannie

In digging around for answers on the specific origins of this mortgage crisis (the overall origin is easy: Democrats), I stumbled on a couple of things I didn’t know. I was surprised to find out first that Barney Frank (Buddy Hackett’s love child) is gay, and second that he had a homosexual “lover”, Herb Moses, who was an executive at Fannie Mae during Frank’s years overseeing Freddie/Fannie. (By the way, said “lover” made millions of dollars at Fannie during that time and subsequent compensation. It sickens the mind and heart.)

Can you think of a worse conflict of interest? It’s one thing to do it on a small scale, like on a city council where only some stand to lose. That’s worthy of prison and a boot to the head. But when you’re writing laws to help, and blocking laws to regulate, your boyfriend’s company — and when those actions and positions eventually contribute to the instability of the entire American economy (and we see the economies of the world at large, as a result), you don’t need to be fired. You need to be in prison, forever. And in Barney’s case a women’s prison, because a men’s prison would just be a resort.

On this point Pelosi is 100% as responsible as Frank for defending him. Massachusetts and California should be ashamed of their foolish and embarrassing bureaucrats.

”It’s absolutely a conflict. He was voting on Fannie Mae at a time when he was involved with a Fannie Mae executive. How is that not germane?…. If this had been his ex-wife and he was Republican, I would bet every penny I have – or at least what’s not in the stock market – that this would be considered germane. But everybody wants to avoid it because he’s gay. It’s the quintessential double standard.”

Dan Gainor, vice president of the Business & Media Institute and a T. Boone Pickens Fellow

”C’mon, he writes housing and banking laws and his boyfriend is a top exec at a firm that stands to gain from those laws? No media ever takes note? Imagine what would happen if Frank’s political affiliation was R instead of D? Imagine what the media would say if [GOP former] Chairman [Mike] Oxley’s wife or [GOP presidential nominee John] McCain’s wife was a top exec at Fannie for a decade while they wrote the nation’s housing and banking laws.”

An anonymous ‘top GOP aide.’

Couric Interview Segment, Obama on Surge

I didn’t see this, because I certainly don’t watch network news (surprised anyone does anymore), but just stumbled on it on the internet. It’s actually Katie Couric skewering Obama for a change. Now I don’t feel so bad about her carefully edited and frankly silly gotcha interview with Palin (why hasn’t Palin yet memorized McCain’s favorite cereal in 3rd grade?). I hope the public gets the difference between Palin not memorizing McCain’s votes/bills, and Obama being dead wrong about American lives and success in war.