
The Surge in Iraq by Barack Obama

When President Bush ordered the surge in January 2007, Obama said:

“I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there. In fact, I think it will do the reverse.”

This is a position he maintained throughout 2007. This year, long after proof and attacks forced him to comment, he acknowledged progress.

Couric Interview Segment, Obama on Surge

I didn’t see this, because I certainly don’t watch network news (surprised anyone does anymore), but just stumbled on it on the internet. It’s actually Katie Couric skewering Obama for a change. Now I don’t feel so bad about her carefully edited and frankly silly gotcha interview with Palin (why hasn’t Palin yet memorized McCain’s favorite cereal in 3rd grade?). I hope the public gets the difference between Palin not memorizing McCain’s votes/bills, and Obama being dead wrong about American lives and success in war.