Activists Try to Get Kagan Disbarred | Mother Jones

Just as the full Senate this week starts debate over the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, a group of conservative activists is planning to ask that same court to disbar her. Larry Klayman, the famous Clinton tormentor and founder of Judicial Watch, told WorldNet Daily recently that he believes Kagan’s work behind the scenes during the Clinton administration on the partial-birth abortion ban constitutes a “conspiracy to defraud the Supreme Court” and that he intends to ask the court to revoke her license to practice law.

Klayman’s disbarment campaign is just the latest call from the right demanding a full investigation into Kagan’s work on the partial-birth abortion ban during her years working in the Clinton White House. The controversy began during her confirmation hearings last month when Shannen Coffin posted a story on the National Review’s website arguing that Kagan had been willing “to manipulate medical science to fit the Democratic Party’s political agenda on the hot-button issue of abortion.”

read the full article at… Activists Try to Get Kagan Disbarred | Mother Jones.

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