abortion funding

Planned Parenthood Employee Quits After Viewing Ultrasound of Abortion « The United Families International Blog

Abby Johnson, who worked and volunteered with Planned Parenthood for eight years, recently quit after watching the ultrasound of an abortion. She claimed watching the baby “crumple” as it was vacuumed from a woman’s uterus changed her heart and opinion towards abortion.

read the rest here… Planned Parenthood Employee Quits After Viewing Ultrasound of Abortion « The United Families International Blog.

House Members Raise Concerns Over Abortion Funding in Health Reform Bill – Political News – FOXNews.com

To paraphrase the Bush era liberal hysteria, but with truth this time…

Obama lied, babies are gonna die!

A coalition of pro-life groups, accompanied by several House Republicans outside the U.S. Capitol, delivered a petition signed by 137,000 Americans Wednesday voicing disapproval with current health care reform legislation.

The petitions sent a strong message that “the American people cherish the sanctity of life… the American people don’t want federal money used to violate their morals,” said Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind.

Pro-life groups argue the current health care legislation grinding its way through Congress will allow taxpayer dollars to be used to fund abortions. Specifically, they point to a provision in the House Energy and Commerce Committee bill that provides government subsidies to pay for premiums for private insurance policies that include elective abortion coverage. This subsidy, which is supposed to help with insurance costs, will have the unintended consequence of funding abortions, they say.

read the rest here… House Members Raise Concerns Over Abortion Funding in Health Reform Bill – Political News – FOXNews.com.