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White House likes news reported its way (

According to the media watchdog, the administration is being more than a bit hypocritical.

“You know, there’s just nothing funnier than an Obama administration official coming out and saying things like [Fox News is] not a news channel because they come with a perspective,” says Graham.

“We’ve just been through two years of the news people portraying Obama with a heavenly aura around his head — and they’re saying we don’t like news with perspective? The Obama administration is insisting that news is defined by praising the president.”

read the rest here… White House likes news reported its way (

The Real Flaw: Fox Is a No-Fawn Zone – Rasmussen Reports™

Such scruples, you may marvel, from the office of a president who just spent quality time on CBS’s “The Late Show” with David Letterman. President Obama quipped that he appeared on the show to sneak a peak at a “heart-shaped potato.” I know because I read about it on the CBS News Web page.

OK, so Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., went too far in suggesting that Obama was drafting an “enemies list.” White House aides have a right to criticize a news organization, even question its credibility.

In the same vein, pundits are free to mock the administration’s risible attempts to dress up its thin-skinned ways as love for unbiased reportage.

Note: This phony act has backfired. It set the stage for conservative critics at WorldNetDaily to post a January video of Dunn telling a Dominican government conference that the 2008 Obama campaign strategy focused on “making the press cover what we were saying” — often by not talking to reporters. “It was very much, we controlled it,” said Dunn, “as opposed to the press controlled it.”

Dunn’s idea of a good journalist then would be: a zombie.

read the rest here… The Real Flaw: Fox Is a No-Fawn Zone – Rasmussen Reports™.

White House targets Fox as it goes after press critics

The White House has gone on the offensive against its critics in the press, singling out Fox News and going so far as to accuse the News Corp.-owned network of waging a “war against Barack Obama.”

White House Communications Director Anita Dunn has led the charge, appearing on CNN television and conducting interviews with Time magazine and The New York Times in recent days to make her case.

The unusual White House campaign comes as President Obama faces mounting opposition to his health care reforms, growing concern over the situation in Afghanistan and a continuing general economic malaise.

The president also suffered a setback recently when his personal effort to win approval for Chicago to host the 2016 Olympics was rejected and his Nobel Peace Prize has met with more barbs than bouquets.

via White House targets Fox as it goes after press critics.