
The Real Flaw: Fox Is a No-Fawn Zone – Rasmussen Reports™

Such scruples, you may marvel, from the office of a president who just spent quality time on CBS’s “The Late Show” with David Letterman. President Obama quipped that he appeared on the show to sneak a peak at a “heart-shaped potato.” I know because I read about it on the CBS News Web page.

OK, so Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., went too far in suggesting that Obama was drafting an “enemies list.” White House aides have a right to criticize a news organization, even question its credibility.

In the same vein, pundits are free to mock the administration’s risible attempts to dress up its thin-skinned ways as love for unbiased reportage.

Note: This phony act has backfired. It set the stage for conservative critics at WorldNetDaily to post a January video of Dunn telling a Dominican government conference that the 2008 Obama campaign strategy focused on “making the press cover what we were saying” — often by not talking to reporters. “It was very much, we controlled it,” said Dunn, “as opposed to the press controlled it.”

Dunn’s idea of a good journalist then would be: a zombie.

read the rest here… The Real Flaw: Fox Is a No-Fawn Zone – Rasmussen Reports™.

Excuses wearing thin for Obama, media pals :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley

Have you heard the news? President Obama inherited an economic mess from the Bush administration.

You say that’s hardly news? But it’s been the message sounded over and over by the White House. Top Obama adviser David Axelrod said on one of the Sunday news shows, “He walked in the door, we had the worst economy since the Great Depression.” In San Francisco, Obama talked of being “busy with our mop.” White House heavy hitter Rahm Emanuel used the worst-economy-since-the-Depression line on a public TV news show.

You’d think it’s October 2008, the final month in the Obama presidential candidacy, rather than October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency. Yet the Obama White House is in full campaign mode — maybe because it needs to mask the shortcomings of the Obama presidency.

read the rest here… Excuses wearing thin for Obama, media pals :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley.

White House targets Fox as it goes after press critics

The White House has gone on the offensive against its critics in the press, singling out Fox News and going so far as to accuse the News Corp.-owned network of waging a “war against Barack Obama.”

White House Communications Director Anita Dunn has led the charge, appearing on CNN television and conducting interviews with Time magazine and The New York Times in recent days to make her case.

The unusual White House campaign comes as President Obama faces mounting opposition to his health care reforms, growing concern over the situation in Afghanistan and a continuing general economic malaise.

The president also suffered a setback recently when his personal effort to win approval for Chicago to host the 2016 Olympics was rejected and his Nobel Peace Prize has met with more barbs than bouquets.

via White House targets Fox as it goes after press critics.

Graham: Obama is AWOL on Democrat Spending Bill

In a FoxNews interview, Lindsay Graham pointed out Obama’s penchant for avoiding real work and instead performing for the press in the so-far lucrative public opinion venue he relies on so much. Lacking leadership isn’t a new thing from what I can tell, but now that he’s got the job, you’d think he’d want to at least appear presidential.

President Obama has been “AWOL” in negotiations over the economic stimulus package, Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday in a scathing rebuke of the new president.

The South Carolina Republican told FOX News that Obama has not been providing leadership, and he criticized the president for giving TV interviews and writing an editorial touting the package, rather than addressing the complaints of lawmakers.

“This process stinks,” Graham told FOX News, before repeating a lot of his criticisms on the Senate floor. “We’re making this up as we go and it is a waste of money. It is a broken process, and the president, as far as I’m concerned, has been AWOL on providing leadership on something as important as this.”

Republican senators and congressmen have been reluctant to direct any criticism at the president since his inauguration. They mostly have fired shots at Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, saying they have obstructed the bipartisan process Obama sought.

But Graham broke that practice after Obama granted a round of interviews defending his plan Tuesday and wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post Thursday in which he warned of disastrous consequences if Congress does not pass the stimulus bill.

“Scaring people is not leadership. Writing an editorial that if you don’t pass this bad bill we’re going to have disaster — we’ve had enough presidents trying to scare people to make bad decisions,” Graham said.

“I like President Obama, but he is not leading. Having lunch is not leading … and doing TV interviews is not leading.”

Obama renewed his plea for the bill at the Energy Department Thursday, shortly after Graham spoke.

“The time for talk is over. The time for action is now,” Obama said.

Obama, in his op-ed, wrote that inaction could lead the economy into an irreversible decline.

“Because each day we wait to begin the work of turning our economy around, more people lose their jobs, their savings and their homes,” he wrote. “And if nothing is done, this recession might linger for years. Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse.”

It’s really telling that a sitting president actually thinks that the economy “may not be able to reverse”. That just shows shocking misunderstanding for economy in general. Does he think we’re all going to lay down and die? It’s embarassing that he’s so naive. Four long years to go, dealing with a beginner.