Obama Socialism

My Way News – Hoyer: Comprehensive health bill may be no go

Democratic congressional leaders confronted the reality Tuesday that they may not be able to pass the comprehensive health care overhaul sought by President Barack Obama. Republican leaders prepared to do everything in their power to make sure they cant.

Democrats saw the sweeping health bill that Obama unveiled ahead of a bipartisan health care summit Thursday as their last, best chance at a top-to-bottom remake of the nations health care system that would usher in near-universal health coverage. But some were clear-eyed about the difficulties after a year of corrosive debate and the loss of their filibuster-proof supermajority in the Senate.

via My Way News – Hoyer: Comprehensive health bill may be no go.

Obama: A Man Apart by Herbert London

Obama: A Man Apart
by  Herbert London


Albert Camus was expert at describing a man apart, an existential man
The Stranger, who didn’t belong in the society in which he found
himself. He didn’t have emotional roots; in fact, this character was
haunted by shadows — the real and the metaphorical. He is the
quintessential rebel challenging normative standards.

At the risk of drawing literary comparisons, I am persuaded based on
his performance that President Obama is a man apart. He seems to
equate power with arrogance; pride with willfulness and exceptionalism
with dominance. As a consequence, he has changed foreign policy
perceptions. The America he leads is a nation like any other — no
more, no less. In fact, as a Nobel laureate, he is considered by the
Europeans as a man of the world, not merely a citizen of the United

When asked if the United States is exceptional, President Obama said
America is exceptional and England is exceptional and Greece is
exceptional. That the United States is sui generis didn’t cross his
mind. How could it? He is pledged to a scenario in which America opts
out of its traditional role as peace keeper, the balance wheel in
maintaining international equilibrium. The war against terrorists is
over along with the nation’s hegemonic role.

Unfortunately the war fatigue President Obama embodies is not embraced
by our global enemies who see this shift in his policy attitude as a
sign of weakness and retreat. I believe President Obama actually
thinks that unilateral concessions to our real and putative enemies
will result in reciprocal responses. But as his bizarre overtures to
the Olympic Committee demonstrated, gestures directed at
multilateralism and celebrity status do not result in favorable
results. Real power as opposed to soft power still has meaning on the
world stage.

A man with roots would know that wild policy swings of the kind that
we’ve experienced with healthcare, cap and trade and education
proposals cannot possibly fly, with the American people, even with
those who voted for President Obama in the last election. Despite
cultural shifts in the nation, the United States still fashions itself
as a conservative nation. Only a man apart cannot sense that

My contention is not that the president is devoid of conviction. In
fact, his political tilt is decidedly to the left, the hardcore left.
My assertion is different. I believe this president doesn’t understand
the rhythms, the pulse of the American people. He is not merely
outside the main stream. He doesn’t even recognize it. He is a
basketball player who has been asked to bat.

At first I thought his initial popularity would carry him through to a
second term. But as each day passes and the false, almost
inappropriate, gestures register Americans are beginning to recognize
this man apart. He is our stranger in a land he doesn’t understand.

Americans are not war-like, nor does imperial ambition fill their
soul. They have done almost nothing for which daily apologies are
necessary. Their blood soaks the beaches of Normandy, their graves
litter European towns. And their fortune saved millions from the
plight of destitution. Americans do not appreciate a man so removed
from their history, so out of tune with the American experience, that
he reflexively expresses regret for the very conditions that should
engender pride.

Perhaps this president will learn. But I am not confident that can
happen. His life experience without a father in his home and a mother
seeking adventure abroad is unstable. His closest associates vilified
the nation he now leads. Is it any wonder his wife said she could take
no pride in America till now? The past is to be rejected. Milestones
in history are erased from memory as storage cast aside as

This is a unique moment in our history. It is certainly the only time
in my life when our national instincts are being reconditioned. From a
nation that was a model to the world, we are now told that superiority
is unbecoming, a hindrance for the emergence of global egalitarianism.

President Obama, as a man apart, may attempt this recasting of
America, but, as I see it, America is not yet ready for his
experimentation and, most likely, never will be.


Dr. London is president of the Hudson Institute, John M. Olin
Professor of Humanities at New York University, publisher of American
Outlook, and author of the recently published Decade of Denial.

White House likes news reported its way (OneNewsNow.com)

According to the media watchdog, the administration is being more than a bit hypocritical.

“You know, there’s just nothing funnier than an Obama administration official coming out and saying things like [Fox News is] not a news channel because they come with a perspective,” says Graham.

“We’ve just been through two years of the news people portraying Obama with a heavenly aura around his head — and they’re saying we don’t like news with perspective? The Obama administration is insisting that news is defined by praising the president.”

read the rest here… White House likes news reported its way (OneNewsNow.com).

U.S. Said to Order Deep Pay Cuts at Bailed-Out Companies – Politics and Government * US * News * Story – CNBC.com

Not hiding from the title anymore Obama brazenly and publicly embracing the Socialist mantra by nationalizing the operations of banks. Now that classic pinko folks. No question or ambiguity about it.

The Obama administration will order the companies that received the most aid to deeply slash the compensation to their highest paid executives, an official involved in the decision said on Wednesday.

read the rest here… U.S. Said to Order Deep Pay Cuts at Bailed-Out Companies – Politics and Government * US * News * Story – CNBC.com.

Obama’s Health Care Speech | FactCheck.org

President Obama’s prime-time address to Congress and the nation on health care prompted a Republican congressman to shout “you lie!” Did he? Here’s what we’ve found:

* Obama was correct when he said his plan wouldn’t insure illegal immigrants; the House bill expressly forbids giving subsidies to those who are in the country illegally. Conservative critics complain that the bill lacks an enforcement mechanism, but that hardly makes the president a liar.

* The president said “no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions.” But the House bill would permit a “public option” to cover all abortions, and would also permit federal subsidies to be used to purchase private insurance that covers all abortions, a point that raises objections from anti-abortion groups. That’s true despite a technical ban on use of taxpayer dollars to pay for abortion coverage.

* The president repeated his promise that his plan won’t add “one dime” to the federal deficit. But legislation offered so far would add hundreds of billions of dollars to the deficit over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

* Obama said his plan won’t “require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have.” It’s true that there’s no requirement, but experts say the legislation could induce employers to switch coverage for millions of workers.

read the rest here… Obama’s Health Care Speech | FactCheck.org.

Health Reform Is Just Subterfuge; Dream Is Democratic Dictatorship – Investors.com

By now the realization should be taking hold that the Democrats’ health care plan has been exposed as a hoax. And it was the Democrats themselves who discredited and exposed it, but in a very ironic way. Of course, you won’t hear this bombshell news reported by Democrat partisans Katie Couric, Charles Gibson and Brian Williams.

As for the substance, remember the Democrats’ original rationale for their national health care takeover scheme? They wanted all uninsured Americans to be covered, right? Remember?

But now they concede that their mega-upheaval of a plan would still leave about 15 million without medical insurance. Yet they still advocate the plan! Why?

via Investors.com – Health Reform Is Just Subterfuge; Dream Is Democratic Dictatorship.

Fidel Castro to Congressional Black Caucus members: ‘How can we help President Obama?’ | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Fidel Castro to Congressional Black Caucus members: ‘How can we help President Obama?’ | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times.

He’s actually such a pleasant guy and Cuba’s such a pleasant place that people are riding tire rafts at night to come to America. The Democrats utter lack of basic understanding is embarrassing to the country.

Crooked Obama Makes New Move to Nationalize Healthcare

Obama, not just the latest liberal president who truly doesn’t care for the American soldier, this one’s more dangerous than those who came before. Quite an accomplishment.

My wife just brought this article to my attention. Obama’s trying to be sneaky yet again with back-door manipulation toward socialized healthcare. If private insurance pays for veterans, as opposed to the government, all premiums will rise and all policies will feel the impact. Obama wants you to hate private medicine without knowing he’s to blame for it, so you’ll swallow the cyanide on demand. Don’t be fooled by his dirty Chicago parlor tricks.

The leader of the nation’s largest veterans organization says he is “deeply disappointed and concerned” after a meeting with President Obama today to discuss a proposal to force private insurance companies to pay for the treatment of military veterans who have suffered service-connected disabilities and injuries. The Obama administration recently revealed a plan to require private insurance carriers to reimburse the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in such cases.

“It became apparent during our discussion today that the President intends to move forward with this unreasonable plan,” said Commander David K. Rehbein of The American Legion. “He says he is looking to generate $540-million by this method, but refused to hear arguments about the moral and government-avowed obligations that would be compromised by it.”

The Commander, clearly angered as he emerged from the session said, “This reimbursement plan would be inconsistent with the mandate ‘ to care for him who shall have borne the battle’ given that the United States government sent members of the armed forces into harm’s way, and not private insurance companies. I say again that The American Legion does not and will not support any plan that seeks to bill a veteran for treatment of a service connected disability at the very agency that was created to treat the unique need of America’s veterans!”

Read the full article here.

Fox Blog: Is Obama The New Coke?

My wife brought an entertaining piece to my attention the other day entitled “Is Obama The New Coke”

There are two basic scenarios for Brand Obama at this point.

One, the electorate thought they were getting one thing in Obama and instead got something very different. In other words, they wanted the change he said he would bring, but dislike the change he is actually bringing and actually believes in. In this scenario, Obama is what he is and simply won’t be able to adapt to what the Target Market demands –this spells a short stay — one term — in the White House.

Two, Obama is the change the electorate wants and he is capable of embodying this change. But the president has lost sight of his Target Market’s needs and is falling prey to inside-the-Beltway realities and left-leaning pieties and interest groups.

Read the full article here. Clever observations.