political cronyism

Obama Pays Back the Unions for their Support

On Friday, February 6 at 4:30 pm, just before the end of the day and start of the weekend, Obama quietly signed an executive order which in effect bans all non-union construction shops from being awarded any federally funded construction projects. This effectively discriminates against the 84% of construction workers who are non-union. Didn’t even wait a month to pay back his union cronies, amazing. See discussion on this subject on the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. webpage here. See RNC Chairman Michael Steele’s official statement in response to this shameful example of crooked politics as usual here, also quoted below for easy reference:

WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele today released the following statement concerning the executive order quietly signed by President Barack Obama on Friday ordering the use of union labor for federal construction projects:

“President Obama’s executive order will drive up the cost of government at a time when we should be doing everything possible to save taxpayer dollars. Federal contracts should go to the businesses that can offer taxpayers the best value – not just the unions who supported the Democrats’ campaigns last year. Quietly signing executive orders to payback campaign backers undermines Obama promise to change Washington. It is a disappointment for Americans hoping for more transparency and less politics as usual in Washington.”